Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein, Bargaining and markets (Academic Press, 1990) [full text freely available]
Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein, A course in game theory (MIT Press, 1994; Chinese translation published by China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2000) [full text freely available]
Martin J. Osborne, An introduction to game theory (Oxford University Press, August 2003; Chinese and Greek translations are available) [six chapters freely available]
Winner of the 2006 Academia Award for the best satirical video related to economics produced at an Ivy League school: Every breath you take. Runner-up: Welcome to Harvard. (The status of the latter as satire is apparently in dispute.)
History of world records in swimming (allows you to create graphs of record times, and to compare record histories for males and females, and for short and long course events).