Professor John Munro passed away on December 23, 2013. This site is maintained and kept online as an archive. For more infomation please visit the Centre for Medieval Studies
Professor (Emeritus) John H. Munro passed away December 23, 2013
My Home Page: freely accessible to everybody.
Last updated: 21 January 2013
The Globe and Mail: Canada's 'national' (but Toronto-based) daily newspaper.
Globe Campus: on Canadian university affairs
The National Post: Canada
Politics Canada: claims to be 'the nation's largest political website'.
The Weekly Observer on the Net: UK
The Times on-Line: the London Times and The Sunday Times: UK
The Economist: UK
BBC News: World Edition: British Broadcasting Corporation.
CBC News: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Rasmussen Reports: Current Events and Political Polling
AAEC: The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists
The San Francisco Chronicle
MacLeans Magazine (Canada)
The Economists' Voice: ed. by Joseph Stiglitz and Brad De Long: from
Berkeley Electronic Press
Anti-War: an American libertarian-conservative, anti-war and and anti-'neo-con' website
Iraq Body Count: for the
latest estimates of the Iraqi death-toll.
Al-Jazeera: an Arab viewpoint, and perhaps the best-known
Arabic news website.
DEBKA File: an Israeli (intelligence) viewpoint.
AlterNet: the Mix is the Message: anti-neo-conservative and anti-establishment
Reader Supported News : another American liberal newsblog
The Huffington Post: An American liberal newsblog
CounterPunch: a Political Newsletter:
liberal, and very anti-neo-con, and anti-establishment
Democracy Now: an independent daily news program, especially
important for its 'War & Peace Report'.
The Village Voice A New-York based anti-establishment newspaper.
The New American: another anti-neo-con,
anti-establishment on-line news journal.
TruthOut: another vocal anti-neo-con, anti-establishment, anti-war on
line news journal, well worth reading.
Truthdig: Drilling Between the Headlines: similar to TruthOut
TruthandPolitics.Org: another liberal site, similar to the preceding sites, with a focus on the US government.
The Progressive: an American online magazine,whose masthead states that it is
"a leading voice for peace and social justice since 1909".
Real Clear Politics: especially good for up to date political polling (US).
Freakonomics: The Hidden Side of Everything. A web 'blog' by Steven D. Levitt (Economics, University of Chicago)and Stephen J. Dubner, authors
of the famous book of this same name. Not a 'news' or 'current affairs' web-site, but a site of well informed and interesting comments on current economic issues (even when they do not appear
to be 'economic' in nature).