An explanatory note about my research data online.
My Doctoral Dissertation: Wool, Cloth, and Gold: Bullionism in Anglo-Burgundian Commercial
Relations, 1384 - 1478. Yale University, June 1965. Completed in August 1964, but the PhD
degree was not awarded until the following June Convocation.
My Statistical Tables for European Textile History: Production and Trade Statistics:
chiefly for wool and wool-based textiles of the later-medieval and early-modern Low Countries, and England, to ca. 1550. In PDF format only.
My Statistical Tables for Textile Prices in the late-medieval, early-modern Low Countries and
England: Prices for woollens, worsteds, and
other textiles, in Excel spreadsheets, with annual and quinquennial- and decennial mean data.
The Phelps
Brown and Hopkins 'basket of consumables' commodity price series and craftsmen's wage series, 1264-1700: Revised by John H. Munro:
An Excel spreadsheet, with annual data and quinquennial means. Their index numbers have been converted into values in
pence sterling, with the annual money-of-account value of the 'basket of consumables'. The revisions of the PBH data are based on computer calculations of the data contained in
the Phelps Brown and Hopkins working papers, deposited in the British Library of Political and Economic Science (London School of Economics): Box Ia: 324.
David Farmer's series of English 'National' Agrarian Wages: an Excel spreadsheet for both manorial agricultural workers (piece work) and
manorial craftsmen (daily wages), as edited by John Munro. These data on nominal agrarian wages, presented in annual, quinquennial, and decennial series, are expressed in English pence sterling and in index numbers,
using the Phelps Brown and Hopkins base of 1451-75 = 100 (and not Farmer's base). For the calculations of real wages, this series used the Phelps Brown and Hopkins commodity price index,
as recalculated by John Munro from the PBH working papers (see the previous website).
Munro: Excel Files on Textiles, Prices, and Wages in the Low Countries:
located in MEMDB (Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank, at Rutgers University, New Jersey).
Antwerp: annual wages and prices, 1400 - 1700: in an Excel spreadsheet, based
on data produced and published by Prof. Herman Van der Wee.
Prices in Brabant, 1400-1700: in an Excel spreadsheet, based
on data compiled by Prof. Herman Van der Wee
Prices in Flanders, 1350 -1500: in an Excel spreadsheet, from data
compiled and processed by John H. Munro.
Prices and Wages in Southern England and the Antwerp Region,
1400 - 1700: pdf file, with quinquennial means only: prepared by John H. Munro. See the related
Working Paper
My Statistical Tables on Prices and Wages in Later-Medieval, Early-Modern England and the Low Countries:
in Excel spreadsheet files, and PDF files.
Money, Wages, and Real Incomes
in the Age of Erasmus: The Purchasing Power of Coins and of Building Craftsmen's Wages in England and the Low Countries,
1500 - 1540 (by Prof. John H. Munro, University of Toronto).
My Statistical Tables on Medieval and Early-Modern Money and Coinage: England, the Low Countries, France, and Italy
: in Excel spreadsheet files: with both annual data, and five-year means.
The Flemish Silver Coinages from 1384 to 1521
The Coinages and Monetary Policies of Henry VIII (r 1509-1547) (by John Munro): in pdf (with a lengthy appendix of coinage tables).
My Statistical Tables on Silver and Gold Mining before 1800: in Germany and Latin America :
in Excel spreadsheet files: with both annual data, and five-year means.
Spices and their Costs in Late-Medieval Europe
(with Recipes): Revised Version (updated 5 Nov. 2005), in pdf format. Also in MS - WORD. For a Powser Point presentation on late-medieval Italian trade, containing maps, tables, etc. on
the spice trade (referred to in the text of the lecture above), see the following: Power Point Lecture on Late-Medieval Trade .
See also my review of Paul Freedman's excellent monograph: Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination (2008).
An Excel spreadsheet of spice prices: in Antwerp and London, in 1438-39, and in Toronto, Dec. 2001 - Nov. 2011
A comparison of the costs of spices in 1438-39 (Antwerp, London, Oxford) and 2011 (Toronto): in PDF format only
Weights and Measures: Metric and Imperial
The Canadian Money Supply, Prices, GNP, Interest Rates, and Populations, 1955 - 2011: revised version. This table provides estimates of the Canadian money supplies
and related data in the following annual forms: Monetary Base M, M1, M1B, M1+Gross, the Income Velocity of M (monetary base), the annual CPI, Real GDP, GDP in current dollars, Population, annual inflation rates,
Bank Rates, and Real GDP per capita. This table is based on data provided by
CHASS: from both CANSIM and IMF sources. Unfortunately, CANSIM ceased to provide current data on M1B on 31 Dec. 2006.
An alternative and earlier Excel file does provide more detailed spread sheets providing such data up to 2006.
An alternative version, providing only the first two forms of the Canadian money supply, is available in PDF format, again ending in 2008.