Professor John Munro passed away on December 23, 2013. This site is maintained and kept online as an archive. For more infomation please visit the Centre for Medieval Studies
Professor John H. Munro
Department of Economics
University of Toronto
150 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G7
Updated on 12 August 2013:
A large number of journal articles in Economics, Economic History, and History are now accessible on-line, by clicking on the relevant
underlined URL in the list below. Downloading such articles is faster, much more convienent, and cheaper than photocopying
the article from the journal itself, if you can find it in the Robarts Library.
A major source of these on-line journals
is JSTOR ,
which is made accessible to us by the University of Toronto. J-Stor generally has most or all of the back issues,
but not current issues, which may be found on the various journals' or their publishers' websites. Thus, note the
distinctions given below between past and current issues of journal articles.
To find a journal article, or to find at least the journal concerned, you can also try one or both of these electronic resources,
made available by the University of Toronto Libraries:
- E-Journals: to to the second line, Option 2: Quick Search for Articles. Then enter
your request in the box, under Option 2. Click on GO.
- Or choose the tab for All e-resources, and follow the instructions.
- Electronic Journals and Preprints.
For other electronic sources to be used in searching for journal articles, see my web document:
Library and Related Electronic Web Sources
The following journals are listed in alphabetical order:
- Agricultural History: from vol 1 (1927).
- Agricultural History Review: from vol. 1 (1953).
- The American Economic Review : On-line from JSTOR
Articles on line: from vol. 1 (1911)
- The American Historical Review
Articles on-line: from vol. 1 (1895)
- The American Historical Review
Articles on line from vol. 104 (1999): search the index for the issue required.
- Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales. Earlier titles: Annales d'histoire économique et sociale (1929-1932);
Annales d'histoire sociale (1939-1941); Mélanges d'histoire sociale (1943-1944); Annales d'histoire sociale (1945); Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1946-1993); Annales: Histoire, Sciences
Sociales (1994 to the present). Founded by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre.
- Annales d'histoire économique et sociale. See the previous entry.
- British Numismatic Journal: online from vol. 1 (1903-04), up to five years before the current date.
- The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
/Revuecanadienne d'Economique et de Science Politique: J-Stor issues from 1928 to 1967.
- The Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'Economique:
J-Stor issues from 1968.
- The Canadian Journal of Economics: Recent issues
available from IngentaConnect: from 2000.
- Cliometrica: a cliiometrics journal
in Economic History, produced by Springer Berlin, from vol. one, issue one: April 2007. Sponsored by the Cliometrics Society. Use the search engine on this site for the specific year and issue required.
- Dress: the Journal of the Costume
Society of America: produced by Maney Publishing. One issue per year.
- EconLit: Economic Literature : published by the American Economic Association
- The Economic History Review: On-line from JSTOR
Articles on line: from vol. 1, first series (1927).
- The Economic History Review.
This site provides access to these journal articles only on campus.
If you are using your computer off-campus, then use this URL link, to the U of T Library.
You will then be asked to login with UTOR id. The click on the highlighted instructions: 'Connect to this resource'. You may use this site on campus, as well; but the first site is the
easier to use.
Economic History Review articles on line: from vol. 51 (1998)
- Economica :
On-line from JSTOR
Articles on line: from vol. 1 (1921)
- Economics and Human Biology : a new
journal from Elsevier Science (Science Direct) containing some articles of interest to economic historians.
- The Economist: On Line Version
- The English Historical Review: JSTOR: from vol. 1 (1886).
- The English Historical Review: Oxford Journals: from vol. 1 (1886).
The European Review of Economic History : on-line version in Cambridge Journals Online.
Articles on line: from vol. 4 (2000)
- Explorations in Economic History .
Articles on line: from vol. 7 (1969) to the current issues (but not all are freely available).
For other academic journals utilizing this search engine, click on Science.Direct
The Financial History Review: E-Journals@University of Toronto
- Florilegium: Journal of the Canadian Society of Medievalists: online, from vol. 6 (1983).
Volume 27 (2010).
- História e Economia: Revista Interdisciplinar : an interdisciplinary journal for Economics,
Finance, and History, sponsored by the Brazilian Business School in Sao Paolo: Instituto de Historia e Economia. Series from vol. 1 (2005)
The Historian: On line: from Blackwell Publishing
- History of Political Economy: from vol. 31 (1999) to vol. 36 (2004) only
- The International History Review: online from vol. 1 (1979).
- International Journal of Maritime History : Indexes and Tables of Contents only, from 1989.
- Journal of British Studies: University of Chicago Journals: for the journal articles.
See also the journal's home page.
The Journal of Early Modern History : on-line from "" (E.J. Brill Publishing)
Articles on line: from vol. 1 (1999).
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient : on-line from "" (E.J. Brill Publishing)
Articles on line: from vol. 38:1 (February 1995): current issues
- The Journal of Economic History : On-line by JSTOR
Articles on line: from vol. 1 (1941) to vol. 62 (2002).
The Journal of Economic History: on-line version in Cambridge Journals Online.
Articles on line: for vol. 61 (2001) to current issues.
- The Journal of Economic Literature : from
vol. 1 (1963: as Journal of Economic Abstracts)
- The Journal of European Economic History. Tables of contents
only, from vol. 1 (1972): supplied by the Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Datini". There are no
web links to individual articles; nor does the Journal itself supply any.
- The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
articles on-line: from vol. 1 (1970)
- The Journal of Interdisciplinary History:
articles on-line, via Project Muse: Scholarly Journals Online: from vol. 30 (1999-2000)
Journal of Medieval History: from volume 1 (1975).
- The Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
- Journal of Monetary Economics : Elsevier Publications (Science Direct): from vol. 1 (1975)
- Journal of Political Economy: from JSTOR: vol. 1 (1892). For more recent issues, see the following.
- Journal of Political Economy: Chicago Journals
Articles on-line: from vol. 1 (1969) to current issues
- Journal of Women's History : from vol. 1 (1989)
- The London Journal : published by Maney Publishing.
Also available from this website.
on line from vol. 1.1 (1975). On the history, archaeology, architecture, economics, politics, sociology, and education, etc. of London, England.
- Medieval Clothing and Textiles: a journal on textile history published by Boyell & Brewer, in the UK. See the website for
DISTAFF: Discussion, Interpretation and Study of Textile Arts, Fabrics, and Fashion, which edits and produces this journal.
- The Medieval Review: online reviews of publications in the medieval field (University of Indiana)
- Past & Present: a Journal of Historical Studies : on-line from the initial issue in 1952 to current issues.
The Quarterly Journal of Economics : On-line from JSTOR
Articles on-line: from vol. 1 (1886)
- Revue numismatique: a French-based journal on coinage and numismatiques, chiefly
ancient and medieval, whose online access if provided by Moneta (same URL, as just indicated). On the left-hand column, click on E-Papers, and then
on Géméralités. Each volume of Revue numismatique, from 1958 will be found at the bottom of this web page.
- Research in Economic History: As of 2008, the publication of this
serial (in effect, an annual journal) has been taken over by Emerald Publishing, in the UK; and this publisher (unlike its predecessor Elsevier) has generously made available online all articles
published from vol. 20 (2001).
- Social Science History: from 1976
Speculum: a Journal of Medieval Studies
Articles on-line: from vol. 1 (1926)
- Textile History: On line (Ingenta: Maney Publishing) from vol. 34 (2003).
- Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Quarterly Journal of Social and Economic History (German): the world's oldest
journal in economic history still being published (continuing the previous format of Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: see below). The first set is from 1903 to 1971 (vols. 1 - 58).
- Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Quarterly Journal of Social and Economic History (German): Second set, from 1972
to 2008 (vols. 59-95).
- Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: from 1893 to 1900 (vols. 1 - 7). See this journal's continuation in the Vierteljahrschrift VSWG,
as listed above.
- For other journals with articles on-line, by JSTOR:
- Search JSTOR - Basic Search: for various journal articles.
- Project Muse: Scholarly Journals on Line: a search engine to locate journal articles provided by
Johns Hopkins University Press, in collaboration with the Milton Eisenhower Library. Very useful indeed.
- The History Co-operative: Journals. This valuable
new web resource provides online issues of the following historical journals (the list is not complete): you can search
for each one separately from the introductory list
The American Historical Review
The Journal of American History
Law and History'
The William and Mary Quarterly
The History Teacher
The Western Historical Quarterly
Labour/Le Travail
Labor History
The Journal of World History
History of Education Quarterly
Environmental History
World History Connections
Journal of Social History
- Economics E-Journals : online journal articles in Economics
- Economics: the Open Access E-Journal:: Discussion Papers
To locate other journal articles and books, use the following University of Toronto Librarysearch engines
- University of Toronto Libraries: Electronic Resources
- University of Toronto Libraries:
Serial Databases: Historical Abstracts:
for example, to find books or articles by a specific author: type author's surname, space, first name (with AND indicated,
by a bullet in the preceding circle). Or type in some other keyword, and follow the instructions.
- University of Toronto Libraries:
Social Science Abstracts (Wilson Index)
- University of Toronto Libraries:
Electronic Journals and Preprints
- To search for journal articles by title, or topics, go to this University of Toronto Libraries
website, choosing option 1 or 2, under Articles: E-journals. Or: click on the following:
- Article Finder: via the University of
Toronto Libraries. Or: the following
- Find Articles: also offered via the University of Toronto Libraries
- Elsevier's Cite-Alert: search-engine for seking recent publications (as indexed by Scopus), by neme,
article title, etd.
- The Scopus Search Engine: it allows the search to find both authors and their publications,
in various fields. You are invited to do: Basic Search, Author Search, and Advanced Search; and you may do so under various headings: Article Title, Abstract, Key Words; or
Author, Title, All Fields, etc.. Under Subject Area, click on 'Scocial Sciences" (now with 2,800 titles). When you call up this web-page, you may find that you have to log-in; but
you do not need an ID or password to do so.
- The The Widgetbox: a search engine from Cambridge Journals on Line
that permits you to search for topics in any of the online journals from Cambridge University Press.
- Also see Elsevier Science-Scirus Search Engine: Economics, Business, and Management.
In the Scirus search box (below, or the one that appears on the screen), type in the name of the institution or person, economics term, etc.,
or other subject matter about which you are seeking information. The results will provide you with the
journals, government or institutional reports, web pages,
pdf files, etc. containing such information. You may also try this
alternative Scirus search engine, provided by Elsevier Science Direct.
customised by subject area
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