Professor John Munro passed away on December 23, 2013. This site is maintained and kept online as an archive. For more infomation please visit the Centre for Medieval Studies

Professor John H. Munro
Department of Economics
University of Toronto
150 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G7


Updated on 12 August 2013:

A large number of journal articles in Economics, Economic History, and History are now accessible on-line, by clicking on the relevant underlined URL in the list below. Downloading such articles is faster, much more convienent, and cheaper than photocopying the article from the journal itself, if you can find it in the Robarts Library.

A major source of these on-line journals is JSTOR , which is made accessible to us by the University of Toronto. J-Stor generally has most or all of the back issues, but not current issues, which may be found on the various journals' or their publishers' websites. Thus, note the distinctions given below between past and current issues of journal articles.

To find a journal article, or to find at least the journal concerned, you can also try one or both of these electronic resources, made available by the University of Toronto Libraries:

For other electronic sources to be used in searching for journal articles, see my web document: Library and Related Electronic Web Sources

The following journals are listed in alphabetical order:

customised by subject area
Search only in Economics Business and Management

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