Ph.D. (Princeton, 1989), M.A. (Princeton, 1986), B.Sc. (Toronto, 1984)
Email address: dwayne.benjamin@utoronto.ca
Research fields: Labour economics, Economics of higher education, Economic development.
CV: Downloadable pdf
Dwayne Benjamin is a Professor of Economics and currently serves as the Vice Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management at the University of Toronto. Prior to this, he was Vice-Dean, Graduate Education in the Faculty of Arts & Science from 2017 to 2020. He also held various leadership roles in the Economics Department, including Chair (2015 to 2017), Associate Chair (undergraduate, 2010 to 2015) and Associate Chair (Graduate, 2003 to 2006). He also served as the Editor of the Canadian Journal of Economics and Associate Editor of Economic Development and Cultural Change .
Research Interests
Dwayne is a labour economist whose research has focused on questions in economic development, inequality and poverty, as well as public policy in a Canadian labour market context. More recently, and complementary with his administrative roles, he has turned his research attention to the economics of higher education, including the labour market for PhD graduates. In this vein, he was a member of the Canadian Council of Academies' Expert Panel on the Labour Market Transition of PhD Graduates and contributed to the final report, Degrees of Success.
Dwayne's: Discover Research Profile